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Ozone Generator 85 Gamma Therapy Machine Kit Portable

(2 customer reviews)

This Portable Medical Grade Ozone Generator suitable for home use and professional applications. This ozonation machine provides an efficient method for purifying air, water, and surfaces, and aid in healthcare, food processing, and water treatment. Uses the latest corona discharge QUARTZ tube with MEDICAL GRADE TITANIUM electrodes. Stable high concentration output. Browse our high-quality equipment and accessories. Ozone Generator comes with USA or Universal International Power Adapter, oxygen filter, no-return valve, air pump, and stone for water ozonation.

$ 495.00

A brand new portable ozone-generating device suitable for home use and professional applications. Uses the latest corona discharge QUARTZ tube with MEDICAL GRADE TITANIUM electrodes. Stable ozone output with high concentration with up to 10,000 hours of performance for the best possible price.

– Ozone Output 85 Gamma (mg/L) with oxygen feed 1/32 LPM, 9 mg/L – 1 LPM (Air/Oxygen Generating Device is not included)
– Continuous operation with the cooling fan
– Size: 185 x 104 x 65 mm with Stainless Steel Case
– Input voltage: 12V, Power: 6 W
– Box for Generator Storage.

Comes with basic connecting accessories:

  1. US Power Supply (Universal International  Power Supply with worldwide Plugs Configurations) and Car Power Supply
  2. Dr.O Solutions Air Pump with USB Charger and Silicone Tubing
  3. Oxygen Filter and No-Return Valve
  4. Medical Grade Stainless Steel Diffuser (20 microns) with 1-meter Silicone Tubing for Water Ozonation
A portable Ozone Generator can be used for:
  1. FOR ALL HOME METHODS – Dr.O Solutions Ozone Generator is fully functional for over 20 home ozone methods and applications… plus a few extra
  2. Water Ozonation (with Dr.O Solutions Water Ozonator).
  3. Air Disinfection and Odor Removal (can be used with Air Pump).
  4. Ozonated oils, bad odor control, disinfection  (See Dr. O Solutions Disinfection Box), food and agriculture industries, and many other uses.
  5. Ozone Bagging and Sauna.

1(one year guarantee) directly from Dr. O Solutions.

According to most current research, We can use Ozone Generator for:

  • Acute and chronic pain.
  • Connective tissue diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Diseases of the myosceletic and joint system include all types of arthritic cases: Arthrosis, Arthritis, Osteochondrosis of the backbone, Myositis, and Reactive arthritis.
  • Posttraumatic conditions and consequences from any kind of trauma.
  • Postoperative complications (eradicating purulent infection, healing of wounds).
  • Nervous system diseases (neurosis, stress, psychosomatic frustration, nerve inflammation).
  • Diabetes and its complications: Diabetic foot (check our Ozone Limb Bagging Solution), Impotency
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis).
  • Encephalopathy of various etiologies.
  • Viral infections (Hepatitis, Herpes Zoster, Bell’s Palsy, etc.)
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, emphysema οf lungs, bronchial asthma).
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, fungous diseases)
  • Urologic and Aphrodisiac infections.
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Intoxications of various etiology.
  • Consequences of insult.
  • Rehabilitation of old age patients.
  • Impotency and Prostatitis
  • Allergies and allergic reactions.
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis
  • Cellulitis  & Gangrene

Attention International Buyers – check your country’s regulations, taxes, and dues before buying the item.

Disclaimer: Ozone Therapy is approved as a treatment modality in many countries around the word, but not by USA  FDA.

Dr. O Natural Health Solutions does not assume any risk connected to your misuse of Ozone and Ozone Therapies.

Video about this Ozone Generator for Therapy:




cyrillic keywords for better search
озонатор, генератор озона, гамма 85

Weight 102 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 4 in

2 reviews for Ozone Generator 85 Gamma Therapy Machine Kit Portable

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Image #1 from borisfuhr
Image #1 from borisfuhr


Доброго времени! Портативный генератор озона, Пришёл очень быстро в Германию, в течение недели Продукт очень хорошего качества. ! Работает безупречно, я очень доволен продуктами Олега Юрьевича, С удовольствием буду покупать продукты Доктора О.

Image #1 from borisfuhr
1-2 of 2 reviews
  1. No tengo el producto, no puedo opinar.

  2. Доброго времени! Портативный генератор озона, Пришёл очень быстро в Германию, в течение недели Продукт очень хорошего качества. ! Работает безупречно, я очень доволен продуктами Олега Юрьевича, С удовольствием буду покупать продукты Доктора О.

    Image #1 from borisfuhr
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